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Bowel Sound Learning Module In Esp

카테고리 없음

by toverpogo1972 2020. 2. 12. 10:28


  1. Bowel Sound Learning Module In Espanol
  2. Bowel Sound Learning Module In Espn

CoursesLearn heart murmurs and other abnormal heart sounds using these courses. Over 60 lessons present systolic and diastolic murmurs, third (S3) and fourth (S4) heart sounds and congenital conditions.

Bowel Sound Learning Module In Espanol

Bowel Sound Learning Module In Espn

Each lesson includes audio, text, phonocardiogram and cardiac animation.Use the Quick Links panel to select a course.We recommend that students start with our Introduction to Heart Murmur page.Then take the Normal Heart Sounds course and progress down the list of additional courses, at least through the Diastolic Murmurs course. Courses typically take 15-20 minutes. Our Auscultation in Primary Care followed by Basic Lung Sounds is another excellent learning pathway.